Thanks for coming to my Tent Talk on Your Brain and Your Next Job. If you’re wondering about some of the resources and systems you can put together to do some of your own navel-gazing, I’ve collected some of them in this handy Notion page. Hope they help!
These are some of the databases I’ve been using to track my daily progress over the past few years. It’s helped me clearly see what I’ve been up to, keep track of progress, and do my end of year (or sometimes mid-year) reflections.
Personal Development Plan template
If you aren’t ready to commit to the full digital route, I’d be super remiss not to give props to the Levenger 5-year Journal, a really well crafted and simple way to build just a bit of daily reflection into your life. I ultimately have filled two of these, and kept it beside my bed for almost 7 years before I switched to my daily Notion recaps.
A few things to think about as you do your reflection:
This is mostly stuff about ADHD and neurodiversity, but there’s a few careerish things in here as well that I’ve found useful. Enjoy!